Sunday, September 25, 2005

Into the woodwork

As the time draws closer to finally meeting my baby face to face, mano y mano, I've found myself tracking down old friends I haven't spoken too in ages. I have this weird feeling like this is my last chance to talk to them. If I don't tell them about the baby before he's born I can't ever talk to them again. Weird, I know.

I got ahold of and old friend of mine from my Sony Imageworks days. Lee F. Sullivan. I used to sing Lee by Tenacious D whenever I'd go to check out stuff at his desk. He didn't know them or the song, so it seemed pretty weird. Then I brought int he disc for him, and it was only weird that I was singing to a dude after that.

Anyhow, I heard from Lee, and he's doing well. He and his girlfriend Lorraine are getting married in Paris. In France, not Vegas. Congrats! He's also been very busy sitting in French cafes, sipping lattes and realizing his dream to be a famous French director. He's made two short film and is looking to breaking into directing commercials next, so if you know of any gigs? France?

War Machine
The Dead Tree Hotel


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