Tuesday, October 04, 2005


We're nearing that fateful point. That point where the maternity is coming to a close. The end of the show is near. The band's finishing their final set. And yet coming out for one more encore. And another. And another... Dang it! Is this the real thing or another false labor?

We've had a few of those moments now. Nothing to wet the floor over, but a few "This is it!" moments. The most serious one was at the mall last week. The rest haven't been so bad, because they've happened at home. It did allow Sow one last good meal out. A rare hankering for Japanese food. To Sow's palette, Japanese food means tempura. Not sushi. Not eda mame. Not miso soup, nor chicken katsu curry. I told her how good each of them were and before you knew it, we'd ordered them all. She loved every one of them, except the sushi which she wouldn't try and we both felt wouldn't be good for the baby. And we started it all off with some gyoza.

This was all right before we headed up near the bookstore where she stopped with a worried look on her face only ten steps from the store. We stood there in panic for who knows how long, only feet from comfortable looking seating. And that was it. No more, "Honey, can we go out?" She's been quite content with me going out and getting food and books and magazines for her. Now the occasional "This is it!" moment only means setting down her copy of The Hobbit for a few minutes.

But really I know it's any moment now...


At 10/04/2005 12:01 PM, Steve said...

Good thing she skipped the sushi. I thought that was a no-no anyway? So if you guys get flooded again, how are you gonna know if her water breaks? ;)


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