Friday, April 14, 2006

Thailand Bound

I'm so excited. I'm heading back to Chiang Mai tonight. I'll be there sunday morning! The date kept changing, but I've finished up on the movie trailer stuff I came back to work on. Picked up my ticket yesterday and I'm ready to go.

Starting to get a cough. The flight's so long I'm thinking it could be full blown and be over it by the time I get there.

Still waiting on immigration stuff, so this is just a trip to see Sow & Rayluk. I found out last week that someone, somewhere, made a mistake and our paperwork seems to have been held up a little, again!@#$%? I still don't know when our interview wil be, but it had sounded like it was getting close. I've been circling around mid May, but I think we've just added 4-7 weeks onto whatever that date was going to be.

I just talked to someone at Barnes & Noble and they've got a copy of the book I've been looking for, Sign With Your Baby by Joseph Garcia. I've known a few people that've used it with their babies and it comes highly recommended (thanks Chris & Nisha!). There's also a friend of mine who's brother is deaf, so he grew up using sign language. He's very excited about the prospect of being able to talk to all these little babies. He's like a modern day Dr. Doolittle, but with babies and without Eddie Murphy.


At 4/15/2006 2:43 PM, Jodi said...

Yep, the baby sign thing is pretty popular right now. It's cool that kids can express some things before they have the verbal language to do so.

Damn! Missed you again! Sometime you'll be back though...and hopefully with the whole family. Enjoy your time with Sow and Ray!


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